flocking to your country, carrying lo your feel the produce & plenty of this country the means of an intercourse always kept open, conficlance & peace restored lo the citizens along the coast: beside gaining a respect, and opening an intercourse with foreign nations; these vessels I have proposed to you, can he contracted for [and prope I rly equipped in the Port of Ballimore; there are here Officers of experience, who would with pleasure volunteer their services to render these vessels efficient;- I offer with pleasure my poor services to your assistance, I have been in the Naval Service of my country for Len y~ars pasl, and have pursued my avocation with pleasure from a deep alachmenl lo it; I would willingly place lo your disposal all I possess which is my time, atteutio11 & Knowledge; (would lo Goel I could say wealth) if you can point out any way to fit oul this means of clefence I have pointed out, and which is apparently [lo me] of vast importance- I ask no recompense for giving my all [lo J assist you in gaining that blessing (which every (true] American must prize) Liberty; there are l others l in the Navy who would Join me in offering our assistance on our Native Element the Sea- l have the honor to be With respect Your obdt servt Francis. B. Wright Lieut U.S. R. S. [ L078] [ARCHER Lo HALL] Convention Room San Felipe de Austin Nov. 4, 1835 On motion of General Samuel Houston it was
Resolved, That "The Consultation of all Texas in General Convention as assembled," approve of the disposition of the troops, which arrived al 13rawria under the conduct of i\lr. E. Hall from New Orleans, and this most cordial tlwnks be presented lo Mr. Hall. "The Commillec," and the citizens of Louisiana who so promptly and efficiently rendered us their generous and manly assistance in our struggle fur Liberty, against arbitrary power and despotism. On motion of General Houston, Ordcrt~d: That two copil's
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