sustained and encouraged in their magnanimous efforts to render us a service. Arrangements are making in Brazoria & Matagorda, lo send them supplies of Provisions and Ammunition, &c. Columbia and San Felipe ought to, & I have no doubt will do the same. lf subscription papers are [illegible], the people will liberally conlribute. Let me again implore you lo Lum out promptly and universally and repair to Gonzales. In this case we will conquer, and that suddenly. Ours is no rebellious or revolutionary or voluntary warfare'. It has been forced upon us. Justice, liberty, the cons! ilution, & the god of battles are on our side, and the proud and imperious Dictator, Santa Ana, will be made lo feel and know from blood bought experience, that a people who have adopted the motto of their ancesters, "Liberty or Death," will crush & laugh [illegible l his tyranic attempt lo enslave them. This campaign [illegible] with the Consultation which is truly indispensible lo us at present. If the war is over they will assemble al the place appointed if not, let the members equip themselves for ballle, repair to the camp and in a short time they may enjoy the proud satisfaction of holding the Consultation within the Walls of San Antonio. I will leave Brazoria for the Camp at Gonzales on tomorrow and would be glad that as many as could equip themselves by that time would bear me company. Those who cannot be ready to-morrow should continue to [illegible]. Their services will be valuable, if they can join us even l O or 15 days hence. I fee.I every confidence that there will be within a few days upward of 800 American Volunteers at Gonzales. Wm. H. Wharton Brazoria, October 3d, 1835. [744) [AUSTIN to COMMITTEE] Committee Room of the Jurisdiction of Austin. San Felipe 4 october 1835. The inclosed printed circular will inform the people in that War is declared-public opinion has proclaimed it against Military despotism- The campaign has commenced- The Military have advanced to Gonzales- Gen Cos has arrived and threatens to overrun the country- But one spirit and one purpose animates the people of this part of the country, and that is to take Bexar, and drive the Military out of Texas. district of the present posture of affairs-
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