Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

taken in that place i11 behalf of the citizens of Texas.-

Natchitoches La. Oct. 3 I, 1835

A. Hotchkis.s Esqr. Sir

011 yesterday we started a subscription, through the politeness of L. R. Linn Esqr. and have received ahout S800 in different articles. . I lrnve been appointed Treasurer and shall receive all which will he given with pleasure. You must the Teams lo haul out all I have to send. The frcnch population have held Lack and were quite cool until to clay. Some of the leading characters have come out & subscribed liberally, and I believe all will eventually come out and assist, the company, from N. 0. left to day at 12 o[elk, But have left the P. Master and 7 men to guard the baggage waggons. I have sent them out this evening S100, in Blankets, clothing and provisions &c. Mr. Stern is consigning his men lo the Mexican consul al this place. But the consul has torn down his signe and Stamped it under foot and says he is with the people. The waggons have just arrived this evening at 8 o'clock. I shall load them with arms and baggage of camp No. I. Texas volunteers and fill up th balance of the load with sundries. I think you may than. Natchitoches for the assistance you may receive from the U.S. a. our first Resolutions were read by M. C. Caldwell with great effect In fact, it was these resolutions which enlivened the gcclings of patriotism among the people. [Postscript:] The above is a letter from D. 1-1. Vail in ,Natchitoches, which I send you that you may sec what they arc doing there for Texas. A. Hotchkiss

[ 1076] [VA LENCIA to the PUl3LIC]

[Gabriel Valencia, Mexico, to the Public, November 3, 1835, issuing a call to arms against the perfidious Texans.)


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