Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

must have system and a regular army aml a GC'nl. of high military standing S. F. Austin (getting [out of] paper and wafers !\ly health is bad. S.F.A. I 1075 J [SAN AUGUSTINE COMi\llTTEE to COUNCfL]

Committee Room San Augustine 3rd Nov. 1835.

The committee of vigilence and Safety of San Augustine take great pleasure in informing the perminant council at San Felipe that 60 volunteers from the united States will reach this place on tomorrow on their way to the head quarters the army of Texas, and allso their arrangements are made to mount all the men at Nacogdoches, and allso this Committee will inform you that a corps of mounted volunteers of upwards of 40 men will march from this place on Saturday next the 6th Inst we will inform you allso that the patriotism of the citizens of the old Ayish district Teneha, and Bevils Settlement is worthy of Notice, we are sorry to say that the people to the east, on Sabine arc wanting in patriotism or at least they have a had way of showing it. 13 horses have been subscribed and S400 in cash paid down since Sunday last which added to the amounts before subscribed together with other contingencies make the sum total considerable, and many citizens have pledged themselves to this committee that they will contribute much larger sums, if necessary-all of which can be relied upon-it is expected that 50 men will march al the same time from Nacogdoches increasing the whole sum to 150 men all of which all of which we give you for your information and that you communicate the same without delay to the commander in chief of the army of Texas.

Yours respectfully A Hotchkiss, charm of comt of v & safety J. D. Thomas secretary


Herewith wc enclose you a copy of a letter from Daniel H. Vail E.sqr. of Natchitoches that you may see the interest that is


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