Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Suhlcl ca11 i11 all probahily give informalio11 as lo the ringleaders in this Maller- .I 110 Fisher Sec Com Safly Gonzales N B The families of this place unless prolecled, arc determined lo risk the Indians, rather titan such men as repre- sented above, some of whom seem determined lo remove al once, rather titan risk lite passing of the rci11forceme11l coming on J 110 F [ ishcr l (Addressed: l Gen) Stephen F Auslin Commander in Chief of Lhc Texas forces Mission SL Juan.


Head Quarters above Bexar Nov.3.1835 In addition lo my communication by Colo. McCombs J have dispatched lhis express lo urge on wiLh all possible dispatch the battering cannon and round shot- I musl again repeal that it is useless to send Cannon wi thou I round shot as well as grape or musket balls- l\'lr Farmer says there is considerable round shot at Anahuac and some al l-larrisburgh The army will need Blankets. Shoes Coarse cloth, for pantaloons and Jackels, Socks etc l must earnestly and pressingly urge upon the convention the absolute necessity of organizing a regular army and inviting a Military man of known and tried Talents lo command il. I would suggest Genl. Carrol or Gen! Ripley though it matters not who, provided he is a man of high standing, integrity, influence and known military lalenls- I must also urge more reenforccmcnls.- The Army arc anxiously awaiting news from the convention S. F. Austin W. D. C. Hall Adjt Gcnl To The President of The Cons11llalion of Texas P. S. I also suggest the propriety of sending for a few Mortars and bombs and a11 engineer corps-in short we 11111st haYc a regular army and regular officers and that without any delay- great promptness and energy in the convention is necessary al this Lime- J am ready lo mortgage all my estate to raise' f1111ds- Lut we

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