Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

r 10111 [PARKER to COUNCIL]

Sterling Novm 2d 1835

To the general council of Texas Gcntlcme11

I return lo you my hearty thanks for lhe honors bestowed on me in appointi11g me Superinte11dant of the rangers between l torn J I have used my utmost exertion to raise the company and a large majorily of the company is now in the woods pcrsuent to my order-I took lhe respo11sibility on myself to instruct the officer to pcrsue a frish Indian trail that had been made hy late deprcdators Be good enough to reconsider the resolution under which I acl and in place of rendezvousing at the Wako vilage say that the said officers shall rendezvous at such places as shall be designated by the said superintcndants for I think it quite uncertain wheathcr it will comport with the interest of the public for them to rendezvous at the Wako vilage I should say that the company ranging from Brasos to trinity should be at lest 40 strong we are nierly out of amunition & provisions, for further particulars, I refer you to Mr J W Parker who has been here in person and cliscoverd the most of the difficulty under which we are at this time labouring, and have personally instructed him what I lhink to be the most advisable course

Yours &c Silas M Parker

R R Royall Chairman


Ejercito de oprcaciones. Ecmo. Sor.-


Com el oficio de V.E. de 29 de ppdo. y Copias q. me acompana, qucdo cnlerardo de las ultimas cornunicacioncs q. ha recivido el Supremo Govicrno acerca de las ocurreneias de Tcjas. y q. salvo el Grat. On. Marlin P. de Cos se halla ocupaclo de reunir tropas, y de salvar cl onor naeional. Talcs ocurrcneias las jusgo de importancia, y no ob~lanlt' hallarse mi Salud algo qucbrantada qucclo clisponicndo mi biaje para


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