resolutions adopted by the commander in chid and other officers under his immediate command al Head Quarters alJovc Bexar. Capt. J. W. _Fanning was called to the chair and S. Whiting appointed Secretary- - The 1st. motion whether or not the Town of Bexar should or should not be stormed was put and carried in the negative- Thos.c who voted in he affirmative were Capt. Paroll of artillary and Liul. Wren- Those who voted in the negative were Wm 1-1. \Vharlon Judge advocate, Capt. Colman, Rusk, Briscoe, Fanning, Liul. lrwi11, Logan, Teal Tomlinson York, English, Caulder, Moreland, Hardin, Fool, Bennett, Williams, Northcross and adjt. Mart~1- -the 211d. Resolution of the council was unanimously adopted, on motion of Capt. Rusk seconded by Wm. I-1. Wharton. It was resolved that this Division immediately unite with the main army above Bexar- the Yeas. and Naes on this Resolution were as follows- Y e as. Naes- Wm. H. Wharton Parolt Rusk Colman
Briscoe Irwin York Calder Northcross
Fanning Bennett Williams Foot Hardin Moreland English Tomlinson Teal Logan Wren
S. Whiting
J. W. Fanning ehairman
Camp-4 oclk. P. M 2 Nov 1835
Gen) Austin,
I herewith enclose you the decision of the coun[ c I ii of
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