Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2





Fellow Citizens- In accordance with the request of the Volunteers, I proceed to inform you that I parted with them at midnight, on Friday last under march lo join their countrymen at Gonzales. They were to a man in excellent health and spirits. It is now ascertained that Gen. Cos is in La Bahia. IL is said that he has with him 800 pair of Iron Hobbles for our benefit. If Texas will turn out promptly, he will be the first man to wear a pair of his own hobbles. In the language of the caption of this article, "now's the day and Now's the hour." Five hundred men can do more now than 5000 six months hence. St. Antonio can be starved into a surrender iii° ten days, if there are volunteers enough to surround the town and cut of their supplies. The inhabitants seldom raise enough for their own consumption, and 800 troops being thrown upon them, has brought the place to the door of starvation. Bread is out of the question with them, and they have no hopes of obtaining meat, except eating their horses or pillaging from the Colonists. The Volunteers are determined never to reh1rn until St. Antonio has fallen, and every soldier of the Central Government . has been killed or driven out of Texas. One great object of the Volunteers, is to intercept Cos between La Bahia & St. Antonio. After this if enough· of our countrymen assemble, they will take St. Antonio by storm-if not they will surround the place-cut off their supplies and starve them into a surrender. Let all who can; turn out, and that immediately- Let no one say that business detains him; for what business can be so important as lo crush the enemy advance, and thereby put an end forever, or at least for some time to come lo this unholy attempt to bring us under the yoke of Military Despotism, or lo expel us from the country. If St. Antonio is not taken, it will be a rallying point, where they will in a few months concentrate thousands of troops. If it is taken they will have no foothold among us, and the power of the nation cannot reestablish one. Fellow citizens: there are enemy fighting our battles, more from sympathy, and from a detestation of oppression than from any great pecuniary interest they have in the country. These generous and heroic individuals should be

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