and 100 infantry of the enemy, upon a Detachment of the Army, Commanded by Col. James Bowie and Cap Fanning near the i\'lission Concepcion, The enemy brought on 2 pieces of Cannon for a vigorous assault.-They ;,•ere received in the hcst Manner-The battle lasted for some 2 or 3 hours and resulted in the retreat of the enemy with the loss as we have well ascertained of at least 50 Killed and wounded-and one piece of Cannon-Sixteen were left dead on the field, and 2 wounded-the balance were Carried off-Our men were posted along the hank of the river under good cover and sustained the loss of only one man. Rich Andrews of .Mina mortally wounded and since dead- In regard to future operations here, I am afraid they will be tedious and prolonged, owing to the Strength of the fortifications of this place of which we have Certain information- Whether the Army Can be Kept together long enough to await the arrival of reinforcements and the necessary supply of heavy battering Cannon and Munitions I am sorry to say is somewhat uncertain- It has been almost unanimously decided by a Council of the officers that the place is too slTong to be stormed by the Kind of force we have-There was from this opinion but one dissenting voice-So you see our Condition- There was a rumor which came from Bexar yesterday that Savariego had escaped from S Felipe-gone to the Nueces raised the Irish there and joining them with the troops at that place had attacked Goliad- But I attach no credit to the report, as I know positively that he Savaricgo was in S. Felipe a week ago S. F. Austin PS My health has been very bad since I was at Cibolo and has not improved-quite the reverse-I am much debilitated. S. F. A. Your last Communications were recd giving an account of the provisions on the way, for which we are very grateful. S. F. A.
[ 10671 [COS to TORNEL]
N. 650. E. S. Cpn fha. 29. del que acavo lube el honor de informar a V. E. sobrc cl cstaclo y posecion en que se haIlavan los Colonos suhlcvaclos, y hoy solo le anadire que han avanzado, sobre esta ciuclacl, y situandosc en dos campos a mas de tiro de canon, adclanlanclo algunas partidas qe. se tirotcan con nucstras avanzadas. La fuerza q11c· tcncmos al Norte esta mandada por D. Estevan
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