Commander in chief, and the same was decided in the negative by all the officers present, with the exception of J\lajr. Bcnjn. \Y Smith who voled substantially in the affirmative, saying that in his opinion the Town ought lo be taken immediately.- 1 L"as then decided unanimously by the Council, that such positions should be taken for the Army, al present as would best secure it from the Cannon shot of the enemy an<l enable il al the same Lime lo carry 011 offensive operations, whilst we arc wailing for the larger 18 lb cannon and additional rcinforccmcnls.- f S. F. Auslin.j [1065 J [BOWIE to AUSTIN]
Camp below Bexar, Nov. 2, 1835.
To Gen. S.F. Austin:
Sir.-1 Lake the liberty lo lender to you my resignilion of the nominal command I hold in the army. I hope you will appoint some other person to occupy the post, more capable than myself. Very respcclfully, Jas. Bowie. N .B.-1 deem it of the ulmosl importance for you lo effect a union of the two di,,isions of the army as soon as practicable. Great dissalisfaction now exists in the division and unless countcractcd by the measure suggested I seriously apprehend a dissolution of it. The causes which have produced this state of things will be explained when I sec you, when I will also explain my motives for Laking the step I have taken in reference to myself. Very respectfully,
Jas Bowie.
A true eoppy. W. Richardson. (1066 l
Head Quarters Nov. 2. 1835 One Mile above Bexar
To P. Dimmit Comandanl al Goliad
I have the Satisfaction lo inform you that on the morning of the 28 ultimo, there was an attack made by about 300 Cavalry
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