Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[ 1063 J [AUSTIN to BOWIE and FANNIN J

Head Q11arlcrs Novr 2.d 1835

To Colo. Bowie and Capln. Fanning,

In accordance with the decision of a majority of your officers and my own views-you will marclt the Detachment under your command to this encampment either tonight or in the morning as you may choose-It may be inconvenient lo march tonight after receiving this dispatch of this you will however be able to judge and can use your discretion- I send you a good Guide- The l\lill is at present occupied by a Detachment under Colo. Burleson- S. F. Austin W. D. C. Hall Adjt. Genl.


Head Quarters Novr. 2 1835 At the.Council of War called on this morning, Consisting of Gen I S. F. Austin, Commander in chief, Coln. Warren DC Hall Adjt. Genl. Coln. John H Moore, Lieut Coln. Burleson, Majr. Wm H Jack, Coln Patrick Jack Quarter Master Genl. Majr. Somerville, Majr. Benj. W. Smith, Captn. Caldwell, Capln. Ebberly, Capn. Bennett, Captn. Swilcher, Captn. Bird Capln. Golu'!cn, Captn. John Alley, Captn. Nail, Lieut. Aldridge, Leul. Splan, Lieut. Hassell, Lieut. Barnell, Lieut. Money, Lieut. Hunt, Lieut Perry Lieut Stapp, Lieut. Hinsley and Lieut Dickenson- -The object of the calJ of the Council, being explained by the Commander in chief to be, to have the opinion and determination of the officers in regard to the hcst measures of immediate operation on the enemy, whether by doscr investment simply or by storm-after much conversation and discussion, It was proposed by \lajr. W 1-1 Jack, that the qucslion he direclly put to the Council, whether a storm would or would not he expedient al the present moment-on the information, in possission of tl1c Commander in chief in regard lo the Stale of fortifications in Bejar being sulimillcd- The question was accordingly put hy the

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