Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

force ought lo be unilcd ahove town where corn is plcnly and harass lhc enemy by keeping oul beeves by means of detachments and wail unlit lhc battering cannon and rccnforccmcnls arrive or whelhcr lhe army should remain divided as iL now is. To decide lhis point, lhe only qucslion is this; can lhc present force invesl Bexar all around? if il can nol, how can beeves be prevented from going in, except by keeping detachments conslantly out'! Can lhcse Delachmenls be sent and kepl onl, al all, while lhe Army is divided? I will now make a suggestion of my own for your considcralion- It is this- you will take a safe position below- I will do the same above each division will be subdivided inlo parlics of 20 or 25 men-one of lhcse parties will leave the upper division al day light and range around on Lhe wcsl and sleep with you al night-a similar party will slarl from your division at the same Lime from lhe moulh of Salado and the missions up the Salado and sleep here al night-a similar dclachcrnenl will starl al night from each camp and range around in lhc same way until they make the circle and get back to their respeclive divisions- I prefer this arrangement Lo the olher. I shall await your answer before I come to a final conclusion. I shall dispatch a confidential man back lo bring oul lhe 18 pound cannon and Shot, and also sen~ Farmer Lo Gonzales Lo make round ball-but shall nol do il unlill I receive an answer from you to this communicalion-I therefore wish you Lo give me an answer as soon as possible. Should you be decidedly of opinion that the whole force should be unilcd-you can act on thal decision al once, without any further order from me- Should you prefer remaining, do so, and give your opinions as lo the best way of keeping out bccvcs- S. F. Austin 300 blanket, 300p.r Shoes cloths for tcnls are on the way oul- this infonnalion was recvd. lasl nighl-The 3 cannon l-6 pounder 2, 4 pounders will be al the cibolo lo morrow nighl- The mill will be occupied lo clay S. F. Austin


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