place, by Cos our Just cause under the guidance of the Cod of Battles must /.riumpl, the best spirits animate the people throughout the red Land, and the call made for their services will be answered-upwards of 200 fighting men have already left their homes to fight in the defcnce of the Country and otl11:rs are now organizing into companies and will be Marching on to their aid instantly Those that remain are organizing for the defense of the Municipality and furnishing the army with Volunteers, as rapidly as they can be Equipt Devoutly praying that your next Express will advise the Committee of Genl. Austin's being in Possession of St Antonio
With Great respect Yours truly F. Thorn Chairman.
John Forbes Secy. pro tem
[Addressed: 1 To the General Council of Texas San Feljpe
[1062] [AUSTIN to BO\YIE and FANNIN]
Head Quarters above Bexar Nov., 2 1835
To Colo. Bowie and Capt. Fanning,
I enclose you the result of a council of War held this morning by the officers of this division-you will see that the Council has decided il is inexpedient to attempt to take Bexar by storm at present-that the army should Lake such a position as will enable il lo harrass the enemy as much as possible, out of reach of Cannon until the 18 pound haltering pieces and additional reinforcements arrive- This decision is submitted to the considera- tion of the officers of your division. In addition I will add several suggestions Lhal were made- One is to occupy the .\Jill by 200 men and post the balance on the river under cover of a bank above and continue the ballallion below in the position it now occupies- To this il is objected, that our force is not sufficient to invest the Lown, so as lo prevent supplies from entering and that no important object can be effected in that way, that more can be done by uniting the whole force above Lown and sending ou l parties of 50 men, every day and 11igl1t lo ra11ge around, drive off callle etc. As lo corn it is certain they liave a large supply inside- This point is therefore also submitted to your considcralion, whether or not the whole
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