[ 1061] [THORN to COUNCIL)
Nacogdoches Novr. l. 1835.
Your several communications by Express was yesterday received, an extra meeting was immediately called and S2800 cash and 28 Horses were instantly subscribed There are now on the march and will probably reach here in 2 or three clays, a company of Volunteers from the United States of .50 or 60 men all well armed and Equipt. Expresses will be sent to make exertions to raise Volunteers from the district cast of this-a meeting of the i\lexicans will take place this evening and we are in hopes of gelling 25 or more Volunteers from them Waggons loaded with 3500 lb of Pig Lead, 20 Kegs of cannon Powder, l Keg of Buck Shot, Xe will be dispatched from St Augustine immediately to your order By the enclosed resolutions which has hcen approved of by Commissioners Nixon, Smith & Taylor you will perceive that all surveying is suspended in this Department The following resolutions were adopted by the Committee last evening unanimously. Resolved That Col. Frost Thorne-Judge Duncan Walker and A. C. Allen be appointed a Committee to ascertain at New Orleans or elsewhere on what terms a loan can be raised on the pledge of One hundred Leagues, or more of Land of the indisputable Titles in Texas Resolved, that the Commitlee of Ways & Means be instructed to ascertain from the Council or Consultation, whether the Government will receive such Loan and pledge the Public faith for its Redemption In the absence of the Committee of Ways and Means this Committee wish you to act on the resolution at once, the only obstacle that presents itself, is the titles to the Land to obviate which it will require some confirmation from the council, it would be well to pledge the faith of the Stale for the Payment of any Loan thus made and forward a Copy Lo this Committee and duplicate by sea if opportunity should offer and address l.o the c;1rc of----and Wood New Orleans Your express has this instant arrived here with intdligenct· from Head Quarters, in the vicinity of San Antonio, not withstanding the vigorous prcpar.itions for the cld1·ncc of that
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