your hands the records of our proceedings. In the discharge of its duties, it became necessary for the council lo lake the responsibility of acts of magnitude, if in doing so we have transcended the authority that was intended lo be delegated to us, we hope that the liberality of your assembly will attribute it to motfoes of rendering important, if not indispensable, aid to the cause in which Texas is engaged. As the most trivial acts of the council are on record, and too numb'erous lo be couched in this report, it will present to your consideration at the moment, the most imporlant acts, and those incurring the greatest responsibility, that you may improve or reform as your wisdom may approve. On the fourteenth of October, Mr. Sims Hall was commis- sioned as contractor of the army, from whose report there are reasons lo believe that upwards of one hundred beeves and a considerable quantity of corn meal are on the way, or repairing to headquarters; and as connected with this subject, we will also inform you that supplies of sugar, coffee, bacon, blankets, i,hoes, lent clothes, &c., have been forwarded from Columbia, Brazoria arid Matagorda. But as winter is approaching, high water and bad roads may be expected, we, therefore, recommend that a large quantity be forwarded to head quarters or some convenient point. We have reasons lo believe that one eighteen pounder, and a twelve pounder of artillery are on the way, with a fair proportion of powder and ball. We have authorised the raising of twenty-five volunteer rangers, to range between Colorado and Brazos, on the frontier settlements; twenty-five between Brazos and. Trinity rivers, and thirty-five east of the Trinity river; promising each volunteer one dollar and twenty-five cents per day. The council has made provisions for the collection of the public dues; on filed marked G. This it will be nece88ary lo lake up and revise. The council has ordered lo be carried into effect, bv subscription under certain regulations, a mial route from San Felipe de Austin to Cantonment Jessup, in the United States, lo head quarters of the army or lo 13exar and to Velasco. This subject should, at a suitable time, be taken up, and branch routes be ordered. These resolutions arc on file marked H; and to carry the project into effect, the council appointed John Rice Jones," post master general. On the twenty-sixty of October the council drafted an address to the people of the United States of the north, which was
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