[10591 [BOWIE and FANNIN to AUSTIN I
Camp below Bexar 5 Oclk PM l Novr 1835
To Genl S F. Auslin
Dr Sir-In accordance with your orders, we have made all the display possible, with our little small Division-Such an effect was produced, and the men being all well pleased wilh Lheir situation about 800 yards below Town, Lhal we determined lo ' ----- ·-· . ~. occupy it, and have in consequence brought up the Baggage etc from Concepcion, and have thrown a rough bridge across to River, and thus occupy both banks-We are resolved to hold it as long as our numbers can justify it, and it meets your approbation- We are exposed, and they must certain know our force, and may in all probability attempt to dislodge us- Should we be uninterrupted tonight, we wiU endeavour to strengthen the post- Will you allow us to once more, say that a more equeal division of forces [is desirable] J. W. Fannin,'Jr. James Bowie P. S. we have recd no deserters-nor any evidence to justify the belief that any will be recd- Every thing seems lo wear the appearance of resistance- Should you not send to us to night, be on the look out early in the morning. J. W. Fannin Jr. As we are here in a very exposed sit1iation much more than you arc we earnestly request that you immediately send us a reinforcement the troops wiU not be satisfied without it [10601 [ROYALL to the CONSULTATION] San Felipe de Austin, Nov. 1st, 1835 To the honorable Consultation of the chosen delegates of all TexaE in general convention assembled- The general council begs leave lo report, that now on th, organization of your honorable body the duties of the counci terminate, and it is with much satisfaction that we surrender int<
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