Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Mexia, in about one week. With such acquisitions lo your present force and resources, we lrusl that maters will be brought lo a spc~cdy and glorious termination. God lie with you.

\Vrn. Christy, Aeling Com- James Ramage, millee.

r J 056 l


llcad Quarters Nuvcm. l.sl 1835

To Colo. James Uowic and Capln. Fanning,

Your communication of this morning was received and is

satisfactory in every respect lo myself and all olhers-

1 senl in a demand today, for a surrender Gen. Cos staled that his duly would not permit him lo receive any official communication and of course il was rel11rncd, unupencd,-llc is a short Lime after sent. out Padre Garza with a flag lo saf"to me, verbally that he had absolute orders from his Government to fortify Bexar and hold il al all hazards-that as a military man llis honor and du Ly required obedience lo these orders, that he would defend the place until he died, if he had only ten men left with him- This is all that has passed between us- I approached on this side lo day within Cannon shot-they fired four al us-one shot (Ball) passed over our heads and one of grape fell in the lines but fortunately injured no one- From every information the forlificalions arc much stronger than has been supposed and the difficulty of storming of course much grcaler,-Thc system of alarms will be kept up as much as possible night and day, and the place invested as closely as practicable- For tliis purpose I <'xp<'cl lo station the Adjutant Gener.ii with a compeknl force at the old mill, a short disla11ce from there- I have no informalion yet of Travis- A report reaehl'd Camp this afternoon through a person from Bexar that an Expr<'ss had just been received there, staling that Savaricgo had c•scapc•d from S. Felipe and had raised the Irish 011 lhl' N111·1·cs. and in unio11 with tl1c troops al that placl' had allad..ed Coliad- It is however 011ly a report-


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