San Felipe 19 Oct. 1835
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Genl. Austin
Since I wrote you Last Evening I have conversed with Mr Menard and other members from that Quarter that say it will have a salutary effect lo arrest, Williams and some say also one J no. M. Smith and Son. My sentiment was the fruits of my own Emmagination and all I converse with say Arrest Williams and his satilites will fall in Ranks. of this Consult and you wishes will be executed promptly I here send you a communication of l\1essrs Menard and Ilryan from Liberty they say all the members will accord to them. I herewith Enclose you a Resolution on the subject of Holding the Consultation al Washington one Dessenting out of about 12 or 15- I suppose they may meet there and perhapse adjourn to San Felipe at any rate let all be for Union and Harmony. R.R. Royall [Addressed:] Genl. S. F. Austin Head Quarters Volunteer
[ 1054] [AUSTIN to COUNCIL]
[Stephen F. Austin to Permanent Council, San Felipe, October 20, 1835, stating that the Texas army had taken up a position at Salado, and urging reinforcements.] [ 1055] [CHRISTY lo GOVERNMENT]
New Orleans, 20th Oct. 1835.
To the Officers of the Provisional Government of Texas. You will see from the papers which will be handed lo you by Mr. Edward Hall, what movements have been made in our city in favor of the Texian Emigrants, in pursuance of which one company, co11sisli11g of about fifty men, well armed and provided, will leave lo-morrow, lo go via Natchitoches: an other, numbering sixty-five, accompany the bearer of this; and a vessel well armed, furnished and manned by about one hundred and fifty efficient emigrants, will sail for Tampico, under the command of General
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