Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

above !here shall be our 1-lundred and fifty Boxes of Musket Cartridges togcalhcr with Eighl Thousand flints, and in order thal the regiment under your command should March with all ils force, the necessary orders has been despatcl,ed, directing that the hundred Cavalry of your Corps shall enlist togcalhcr, and by this time they may be assembled under their respective flag- His cxccllcncy charges you, that the troops under your Command shall maintain the most strict discipline and that 011 your arival in LeonaYillario (Soltillo) you will embrace every opportunity, and must infcclously excite the publick spiril of the inhabitants of that place; .iddopting all political methods, to subject lo your views, I embrace the present opporlunity lo express unto you my highest esteem and consideration God and Liberty,

Mexico Oct. 3lsl 1835 Tomei

To General Bcntura Mora it is a true copy Mexico Oct 31st 1835 Juan L. Valesgoes Del.con A copy of the original Fcby. 20th 1836 John Carson [ 1048]

[ VAIL to------]

( N atchitoehes October 31, 1835]

[Dear Sir:]

On yesterday we slarlecl a subscription, and about S800, in different articles, have been subscribed and received.- I have been appointed treasurer - you must instruct the teams lo haul oul all l have to send. The French population, indifferent, have come out and subscribed liberally lo day, and .I believe all will, eventually, assisl. The company from New Orleans, left to day al twelv«~ o'clock, J have senl by lhem Sl 00, in blankcls, clothing, and provisions. The Mexican Consul, al this place, lore down his si~n and stamped it under fool, and says he is with the people. The wagons have just arrived - l shall immediately load them with arms and baggage, of comp. No. l, Texas Volunteers. (D. ll. Vail(

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