Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

I I l.: 111 I I I ,

l 10461 [ROYALL to-----]

Council Hall. San Felipe cle Austin OcL 31st '18~5.

This is to authorize as master to Cruise on the high seas and in i\lexican Ports and lo Capture or make prizes of All i\lexican armed vessels and Mexican supplies or munitions of war, whatever while the port lo which she is hound is under the Influence of the late declared form of Central Government or if the part from which she last sailed is under said Government or if papers or<lers or commissions are found 011 board of her of an official Nature emenating from said Government. Hereby authorizing You in the name of this Genral conrnnding Lhe Counsel of Texas-lo hoard aU vessels sailing under l\lexican Colors first hailing and in all cases proceeding according to tl1e laws of nations in such cases; and in case a refusal lo have her papers examined you will treat her as an enemy according lo the rules of war. You will be particular al aU limes lo carry the flag of the Mexican Republic.

Signed R.R. Royall Presdt

A. Houston Seclv .,

I' I '

[1047) [TORNEL to MORA]

Secretaries office of War under Mexico

The Colonist of Tcjas disacknowledging the benefits that they owe lo the Magnanimous Mexican Nation forming designs against her integrity; and abusing her decorum the supreme ~ovlm. bcin1r ohligcd to sustain the one and the other, has detcrmmed to put ,~t the disposal of Mr. Juagin Rasilres of Serma, to say that there shall be formed a division of operations composed of the prominent Battalions of Matamoros, J Jomenes; the active 13atLalion of St Louis, together with the rcigmcnt under you~ Com_nrnnd, with 2 pieces of four 2 of six and 2 of _Eight, and _2 field pieces, all those supplied with their corrcspondrng appcrlrnanccs, and over and


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