l1c had We could 11ol expccl lo Rise up an<l conquer Lhc Enemy in a few Weeks and If you bul hold 011 a lilllc while all will he well The 12 pounder is perhaps now al Coloralo The J 3 pounder is perhaps slarLcd from Columbia wiLh co11sidcralilc Powder a11d Ball I am sl111rc these circu mslanccs should encourage you If lhcy afford 110 other aclvanlage you can plant llte111 where Lhey will knock a few of their I-louses about lltcir Ear,;. lite Wagon from Matagorda will cross the Colorado 1 suppo~e lo day with sltugar, coffee, Iron for slugs etc etc Lite wagon with muskclls is 011 Lhe Road and also Bacon We earncsLly hope tltal Lite next we hear is you have determined nc\;er lo abandon your hold and Receive an Order for more tent Cloth Bla11kells Warm Clothing shoes etc eLc. The things already on the Road in the way of clolhi11g is 300 Blankelts 250 prs shoes 600 yds lenl cloth, soap a11d candles. We Remain Very Respectfully R. R. Royall, Presd Gent Council. A. I-louslon Seely N B. If you wish Lite Volunleers from N. 0. lo come Lo Bexar send lo Goliad for lhem they will be there in a few clays from Lhis R. R.R. [Addressed:] Generals Austin and Houston Head Quarters Bexar
[ 1045 l [ROYALL to CHAMBERS]
Council Room San Felipe de Austin Oct. 31st 1835
To the Honorable Thos. J. Chambers Dear Sir
having just recd a comunication from you in reaard to present views of the affairs of our country we congratulate°you in regard to them hoping when you lay your proceedings before the publick all will be properly understood and that all will join in the great cause of Liberty. We have the Honor Lo be &c.
R.R. Royall President
A. Houston Seely. Tru~ Coppy
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