Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

and Friends. If you desert San Antonio you will amo:-;t H11i11 Texa:s. As for comforts you shall want for none Wagons arc on the Road with Corn meal sllllgar, coffce and Bacon Flour some arms, canon and Ball. Blankells tent cloth shoes etc arc also started from Columbia and Brazoria our friends there r nvite you lo send for what you want and nothing will be refused you Ir you want clothing a heavy stock has Just arrived in Brazoria, Quintana and i\latagorda, do hut say and it shall be sent you without price or trouble on your Part kt each Capt Report his wants lo the commander and this council has provided means lo fill every order nothing can be Ordered hut what will be al your command we will send it on Pack Horses, If you arc in a hurry we can gel an abundance of Warm Clothing Blanketts Shoes, and Tents If you will but Just ask for it. Reinforcements are coming from every Quarter and If you but Just hold on a little San Antonio must fall Just al the sight as If it were of your superior numbers. If you or a portion of you leave it will discourage and prevent the Reinforce- ments now getting up in all parts of the Country 75 men from N. Orleans, in complete uniform have .I ust left Brazoria and will soon Join you an Express from Lake Creek s,1ys in a few clays 50 men from that Quarter will leave for head Quarters men from Nacogdoches came in today and from all accounts we Expect a Great many more from there in a few days. 75 left N. Orleans by steam for Nachiloches destined for Texas and will be soon along. another vessel full is hourly expected al Velas<:o and from cow Bayou some 30 or 50 more beside our lcllers from the U States In form us of Companies being in readiness all along the Mississippi River and from the Calls we have made Upon them we cannot fear but there will be in a few weeks as many troops as we want when our Farmers mav return home and attend to their Bussincss. You must sec that w~ have every thing to expect and nothing to loose by holding on. you will be assuredly relieved in the meantime every comfort ever known in an Army shall be affordcd you If you will bu l ask for il. . . Fclow citizens we would Gladly Jam you 111 Lhe Army but there is but a few of us and your ncccssilics require that we slay here to forward supplies and take all other steps to advance the Cause you arc fighting for. Fclow CiLi.,,cns . You arc where the rn:ws of stale of tl11ngs donl Reach yo11 we hear from all parts of Texas and the U11itcd Stales, of Rcinforccmc11ls men and money. As m11clt As we want can soon

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