il-l have not lime to say all lhal l would like lo say & musl refer you for details lo Dr Slewarl Verry respectfully your obl sevl Thos. F. McKinney ( J 043 l [RACUET lo COMMITTEEJ
Nacogdoches Ocl 31 sl 1835
To Lhe Commillee of San Felipe Centm
I take the Liberty of sending you 4 lellers for citizens of this place which having this days mail, one for Col. Rusk, l for 13. P. Gaines, 2 for Gen. Sam Houston, together wilh a sword for him Yours Henry Raguel The sword is sent to Gen. Houston from also a letler for W. G. Logan which place forward with lhe rest Yours Henry Raguel [Addressed:] To the Commillee of San Felipe de Auslin T~~ , ( l044 l [ROYALL lo AUSTJN, HOUSTON, ET AL] San Felipe. October 31st. 1835 To Genl. S. F. Austin Genl. Saml Houston and Volunteers Generally Friends and Fellow Citizens We understand from persons from head Quarters much disalisfaction prevails in camp on account of bC'ing uncomfortable. we mosl earnestly hope you will nol clt'serl lhc Noble Enlcrprisc so boldly and manfully 13cgun. will You leavt" our frontier lo lhe Ravages of a cowardly foe who dare nol oppose you when I II the Field, will you sacrifice Texas and the Fame you have already won for tiie sake of a lit Lie momentary comfort, will you forsake Lhc fine settlements lo lhc Wcsl (Guadaloupe and I.a Vaca.) only for lhe sake of a lilllc Respite from the lnclenw111.:y of the approaching winier. thereby giving the Enemy confid1·1u·(• in themselves and a co11te111pl for us. Wt• cannot believe it. Y 011 an· slill Americans and will sustain your dwraekr as sul'l1 Ct·nth·nwn
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