Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

on the 29th therl' wm· only 18 Americans in arms al Gom.aks-that on the 30th there were 15O-collcclcd from Bastrop Colorado & Wa~hington - & lhat rcinforcemcnls were daily arming. Thal they would elccl a commander in chief on Lhal day & the probability was the Americans would allack the Spaniards that evening - Coleman says - ":X ou need not be surprised, if you hear we have allackccl lhem Lhis day"- They cxpcclt·cl reinforcements from San Antonio & therefore Lhcy call for aid & that with dispatch - All that were prepared have gone from hrrc - Jack - Ewing, Somervell, Jackson Anderson, Bradly, Grayson &c &c &c put off yesterday & some are going daily..:.. Col. · Austin approves the whole & w'rites clay & night in Lhe cause-all arc united, our frqntier is attacked & who says now Lhal we shall not fight? Lel ·us go al it heart & hand-stand up like men & have nothing to fear-I have been quite sick with influenza, or I would haw gone. I expect to go in a few days. I) wan l to hear of Capt. W. Marlin's taking the field-f\ltho I regret the course he has pursued yet I would regret lo loose his valuable services in the field-where he can be more useful than most men & more serviceable than in any other dr.parlmr.nt. You may say to the people of Fort settlement that among others I am a candidate for the Convention & will feel grateful for their suffrages, if they believe me qualified lo serve them al this important crisis. My compliments lo Mrs. Jones and family.

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Your friend W. Barret Travis

I Addressed: I Capt. Randal Jones Fort Settlement

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C:omanda. pral. de Coahuila Y Tcjas.= No. 214.= El cstado rcholucionrio en qe. actualmente se halla lo interior de las Colonias impidc pr. ahora qe. lcnga efccto cl amparo de la posecion de los ter~cnos quc aclualmtc. pocen las rtil111s Cado y Conchatcs, ssgun lo d1spucsto pr. cl Supremo Gohno. y VS. :-c sirve prevcnirmo en sus nolas de 2B. dd corrlc. a qw: contcslo.= Dios y liherlad Bejar Octuhrc :l. clc IBHS.= Domingo de Ugartcehca.= Sr. Comte. gral de cslos Esaclos.

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