Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[ l042 f [MCKINNEY to ROY ALL I

Quinlan 31st Oct 1835

1\lr. RR Royall President of the perminant Council of all Texas in San Felipe de Austin- Dear Sir

Your kind favour of dale 27th Jnst by Dr Stewart has heen Lillie degree of Gratification that I tender to that Council my unfeigned thanks for their confidence in nominating me lo so responsible a mission as the once indicated in your comnrnnicalion-The procuring means suplies &c for the support of Lhe army-which seems to be the object of that Council-I conceive to be easily affected. I have al Lhis moment verry IiIlle time for reflection or received & contents noted-It is with 110 action and bearly beg leave to suggest that in order lo discharge the duties imposed by so responsible a charge an agent should be clothed with ample power eminaling from an authority by whose right to grant such power could not he called in question. I have no doubt that you have been precipitated by the circumstances which Surrounds you lo resort lo the Council giving this power as the only means to raising Supplies for the immediate necessities of the army-I am happy to say to you however that for present exigencies 1 conceive Negotiations can be made on individual responsibility and on the individual responsibility of .McKinney & Williams Sustained by our neighbours-I will proceed immediately to negotiate for small sums lo supply pressing demancls-untill the Gen) Consultation of all Texas meet & then if they will confer On McKinney & Williams such an agency we will procecle to the immediate discharge of the duties imposed upon us in the discharge of which I can only promise you our fidelity lo the undertaking & 1 have no doubt Lhal we can redily effect any negotiations which may be thought necessary for the relief of Texas- But my duty to a partner, with whom I a,_n interested in all business & to whom he & I owe mutually our Lune precludes me from accepting such an agency in my indivi_dual capacil~'-Besides J hazard nothing in saying my partner will he as active & can render as essential Services to Texas in thal way as any other in


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