Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


ll gives me greal pleasure lo inform you Lhal we have every reason lo flaller ourselves lhal the measures taken hy the commandanl of this Fort, in conjunction with those adopted by a few patriotic citizens, not in the line, for the purpose of drawing the Karan Kawa Indians i11 from the work of distruclion, commiltcd on the stock in the neighborhood of Guadeloupe, on Naidcd & elsewhere, will he altended with enlire success. ~lessrs James Kerr, John J. Linn & Thomas G. Weslern were appointed commissioners hy a board of War, lo communicate wilh lhese Indians, and have; been very useful, the two . former have accompanied the delachmenl lo lhe Nuecis, Col. Powers went with them. We will keep up, very nearly our.usual number of.men, 50, lo repulse any attack on lhis post. Our people are generally in good health, a very fortunate Stale of lhings for we are now wilhoul either Surgeon or physician-:-the conducl of Dr. Erwin having been of such a character, as lo occasion his expulsion from lhe Fort. He never [will] be received her again, while the present Coml. conlinues in office, and is retained al his present post. lL is much regrelled here that any one man, should have succeeded in execuling so much mischief, as thal recently consumaled by Dr. Erwin. He has injured the public service more in 20 days, than any one man can ever repair: please present me to such as love this country-and accept for yourself the renewed assurance of my unaltered, and unalJerable esteem & friendship.

Ira Ingram.

( 1041] ;-- [JOHNSON to COUNCIL]

To lhe permanent Council of Texas 1 Genllemen,


• Pay to lhe order of \V m. Bur[illegible] seven dollars and

fifty cents for the ferriagc of thiry volunteers. Colorado 31st Octr. 1835

F. W. Johnson Comdt.


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