gun \\~as nol found. il is highly prohahle that. lhal was taken also. His shot pouch and contents, sash, pocket mo1wy, &c, l'\: c, were all ·round on his person, anrl brought in He was shot in the neck, and probably killed instantly, the head & face, however, liore several marks of savage violence. The parLy lhal · accompanied Lhe companions of David lo the scene of the allack and rlig:hL, slate, that from every appearance around and on the spot, there can be no doubt, the enemy was a party of Indians-and their supposed number is quoted, al from 6 lo lO. I forbear lo comment, a full report of the tragedy-of the circumstances which led lo it &c. &c. has been forwarded Lo the commander in chief, and will probably be made hereafter the subject of investigation, as they arc now, of stirring excilemenl. I now turn with pleasure from this painful office, lo LhaL of registering the recent occurrence here. now immediately connected with the great object of the campaigne. On lhc eveing of the 30th ult. we were cheered by the arrival of 20 recruits from the head of 13ay Prairie, & vicinity-5 more came in yesterday from the same section of country. This accession of force enabled our commandant lo carry into immediate effecl, a previous order for the reduct ion of the garrison on the nuecis, without exposing this fortress to surprise or capture, by any detachment which the enemy can send against us. At 4 P. M. Yesterday, adjutant Ira Westover, with 37 men took up the line of march for the garrison above named, with orders to lake that post, raze the works, and hum the buildings, securing the public caballarclo, bringing off the arms and amunition and all other public property in their power lo remove &c. &c. Nothing direct has been received here from the com. in ch. of later dale than the 24th ult- Of course it is not in my power lo communicate any thing new to you, of the Stale of our affairs al Bexar. On the eveninv of the 28th ulL, were forwarded from this " fortress to head Quarters, J 2 teams, loaded with flour, sugar, coffee, liquors, sail, soap, tea candles, &c. in charge of Maj. Geo. Sutherland, with twenty five men, we have sent in all fro_m tl~is to the Genel's camp, 86 Barrels flour, as much perhaps as 1l will he safe lo part from al the present Lime; and with the present information from the main army.
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