Fort of Goliad Oct. 31 35 12 O'Clock al night.
R. R. Royall Esq. My Dear Sir
Even friendship of itself sometimes imposes the painful, and the reluctanL task, of becorneing the organ of unwelcome.-of afflicting tidings; To perform such a duly, is, I fear, in Lhe presenl instance, my unhappy LoL, BuL the hour, the silence and Lhe profound repose of every thing around me lends its sympathizing aid, and borrows a momentary gloom, from Lhe evenl which I am called on lo relate. Our ranks have been robbed of one of our number. Your Kinsman, Lieut. David M. Collinsworth, is numbered among the Lenants of Lhe grave, about fourleen hours ago, the hell tolled the interment of-his mortal remains, with the honors of War. I must crave your aceptance for the present of a very brief Statemenl of the circumstances, which destiny seemed to weave with this unnatural and premature event, to aggravate its severiLy, reserving the details of the lTagedy to be suplied hereafter. On the 29 inst. three Officers, Dr. Erwin, Surgeon, th, deceased, & A. 1-1. Jones, 1st & 2d Lieutenants, accompanied b) three privates, Hicks, Woollen & Atkinson, left this fortress about 4 P.i\'l. for Head Quarters, near Rexar. about 9 in the evening of the Same day, 5 of the party relurned-all Lut Erwin returned, returned lo the forlress, and reported verbally Lhe loss of Lieut. Collinsworth. The survivors staled Lhal, early in the evening, about 12 miles from this, on the Bexar road, they were fired on by a party concealed near lhe road side: that al the crack of the guns, Collinsworth was seen lo fall, and heard lo exclaim, "Oh Lord", that Lheir horses were instantly frightened, by the yell of the enemy, and ran a considerable distance with them, before they could lake them up; that when they finally succeeded in making a hall, and held a council; Jones & Woollen only, were willinir lo return and endeavor lo bring of their fellow companion, Intl a~ the rest of the company refused, all came imcclialely in together. On the day following, yesterday, they returned, accompanied Ly ei~hl or len ol hers, and hroughl in the body. The person of I he de1:cased was lying in the road, divest of the eap only: and as the
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