Weakley County Tennessee Oclr 31 sl 1835
Dear Brother
I have concludccl lo drop you a line lhe whole Conneclion is well and 1 am on the eve of starling lo the Texas-on lo morrow morning myself Almer Burgin and Lindsy K Tinkle & our Nephew William Patton from lhe Lowar Country lhis will make our company we will go through Arkinsaw and I want lo explore the Texes well before I return .... David Crockett
(To George Patton Swannaroa, N. C.[
( I 039 J [HUFF lo AUSTIN)
De Witt 31st October 1835
To Gen! S. F. Austin Commander in Chief Sir
I have arrived here with the Artillery under my charge = and apprehcnsing some danger from the weakness of my escort of an attack from the enemy = I request (leaving it-lo your better judgment) that you woulil sencl on an escort sufficient lo protect the artillery al the Civolo or on this side=
With Respect J have the honor lo be Your Ohl Servant Geo. Huff
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