Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

r 1036 J I BOWIE to COS I

Camp Concepcion, near Bexar, 31st Oct., 1835.

To Gen. Cos, Commander-in-Chief of Bexar:,~

You are aware of the position of the forces under my command below Bexar, as well as that of Gen. Austin ahovc town. The two hodies are now prepared to act in concert with each other; hut before further hostilities are resumed, I am induced by the most friendly and humane considerations for my Mexican fellow-citizens to open a communication with you in order to close the war & unnecessary effusion of blood. I fought you on the 28th with only a small detachment of ninety-two men. Should you feel disposed to enter into a negotiation for the accomplishment of this desirable object, your flag will be respected. In this event the war may be speedily and honorably closed & the rights of all secured. Your answer will be expected this afternoon. With sentiments of the highest consideration for you excellencies happiness, I am Yrs. &c., Jas. Bowie . . . and trust that you will allow that the volunteers who are just from their homes, accustomed to agricultural pursuits only fought you like soldiers and men resolved lo live free or die. They have sworn lo support & maintain the Federal Constitution of 1824; and they hold lo that as their sheet anchor and will sooner part with life, than abandon it without further efort. It is with much difficulty these brave men can be now restrained, having been reinforced by a large number of their countrymen and recently flushed with victory purchased with 110 loss on their part. [ 1037] [CASTILLO Y LANZAS to FORSYTH] [Joaquin M. de Castillo y Lanzas, Mexico City, to John Forsyth, Washington, D.C., October 31, .18;J5, writing as charge d'affaires to the United States from Mexico, protcstina the i11tri••111•s of 0 I"' Anthony 13utier lo inci le the Texans to revol t.1


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