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diversion 011 that side, so as to produce the necessary stir; so that they may be ordered oul, and thus give these men the chance to come out ;1s it were 011 duly and then escape-They will present themselves with the britch of their guns advanced or a white flag-Padilla has many acquaintances in tl,ose companies, who sent in Garza[s servant (Jose Ortis) lo have a11 11nd':'fStancling with him as to the guarantee and the mode of joining us.- In regard lo the measure of harassing the enemy lo night as was spoken of, before we parted, by simultaneous firing 011 the town, I have today thol l am obligc<l to clccli11c it; owing partly to the condition of the men here al present, having lost so much sleep last night; and partly to the difficulty of erossi11g the river from here, so as to cooperate in time with the men 011 fool- As you will make a di\'ersion tomorrow for the purpose of hringing out the Deserters, you will therefore clccline anything of the kind tonight unless you think it better lo proceed 011 your part- 1f you think so you can act as you think best, in that respect, but without expecting any cooperation from this quarter, for the reason I have mentioned- I will however mention that a few men from here may probably fire on the Alamo, which is you know on this side of the River-about moon down- As there is abundance of corn here, you can use that brought by Seguin for your Detachment. I wish you lo send lo Seguins Ranch for some rockets that are there- 2 or 3 dozen- In Spanish they are called quctes pronounced quales-we may want them- Please to give me your opinions and those of your officers as lo the mode of further operation on the enemy. By order S. F. Austin W. D. C. Hall Adjt Gen. Dispatch the bearer with your answer lo night as soon possible S. F.A. I wish your opinions as to storming or besieging- S. R. Austin
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