w~1ich I would be compelled Lo leave my family; but be assurer!, l will do you all Lhc goorl 1 can, which I am proud lo believe will not be a little. I have commenced Lhe fire of Liberty anrl I assure you it already bel!ins lo 13lazc in our liLtle Vilairc, I. know of severai who arc willinir lo take up their line of !\larch for Texas, one of my yc>1111ir friends in particular Major C. R. Haskell the Eldest son of th~ Judire is anxious to join in the cause. J told him lo gel volunLecrs and J would assist him with all I knew of Military Tactics to Diciplinc them until we hear further from you. he pleased to write to me immeclialelr and give me all the parLiculars of your situation & let m~ know what I can promise Lo the young men, how they will be provided for &c. J close this wishina LhaL success may allend you in the cause of Freedom and believe ~1e to be a Friencl lo Libe~ly.
and Yours Respectfuliy M. E. DeGreve
[ .1035 J
Head Quarters on the Canal above Bexar Oct. 31st 1835
To Colo. James Bowie and Capn. Fanning,
I have taken a position on the Alamo Canal al the mouth of a dry gully about one mile from town,-Therc is one, a little nearer, but it can not be occupied lo day- I have certain information that all the surplus horses except about 250 or 200, were started to Laredo last night. The number that left is reported ..,. al 900 head- The escort docs not exceed twenty or thirty men- l have dispatched Capn. Travis wiLh 50 men lo overtake and capture them- He has"good guides and I have 110 doubt will succeed- I have lo inform you that a servant of Antonio de la Garza came into camp today bringing a proposition from the greater part of the S. Fernando Company of Cavalry, and the one of Rio-Grande-lo desert- This man was sent lo procure a guarantee for them, when Lhcy come out- I have given the ~'lrnranlcc and have now to communicaLc, Lo you the mode in which they will come out Lo us-when cte.-Hc says they will be obliged lo come in the day time, upon some occasion of alarm, when they arc ordered out,- These troops arc slation<'cl in the hous of Padilla in one of the lower labors which Colo. Bowie 1111clcrstands tlil· siTffirtton- of- 1t would be well then for you lo 111orrow lo 111,1kl' a
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