years and understands his business well he lrns a ltand~ome property here and l have no doubt hut he can raise more men here than any other man and if there can be any thing: that J can clo for [lei] him know as soon as possible as lo any thing lhal I can do for that counlry you may rest assured it will he clone freely, I think I can do more here than if I were ther and after 1 have clone all here that I can I will come and fight a lillle my self we are all well our love lo all right often lo all
I I • I 1 i ! I
Your friend & obi Servi Thos Hooper
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Camp Oct 30 1835 12 miles East of Colorado Whereas the Citizens of the district of Tenchaw, in the municipality of San Angusline, deemed it not expedient al the time of the Election, lo represent themselves in the Consultation, since then the minds of the people have been changed by being put in possession of many facts in regard lo the citualion of the Country, therefore we the members of two Companies, from said district, now on their way lo the army beg leave lo have Col. Marlin Palmer received in the Consultation, with the privileges of a regularly elected delegate, to represent it. The voice of the lwo Companies have been expressed by their vole, being rising of 70 in number. y
j l I I I ' I I , I I ' 1.
Philip A. Sublett Col John l\'I. Bradley Capt John English Capt.
[1034 J [DeGREVE lo HOUSTON]
Jackson October 31, 1835
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Dr. Sir
I have seen a letter from you in the Truth Teller copied from the Nashville Banner which has surprised me a lilllc, althou~ it is what I have expected and looked for a long time. there is no fait.h in a Spaniard. I am truly sorry that my sillrnlion is such that I cannot join you in the cause of Freedom in perso~1, there is hut one thing in the world that could prevent me that 1s Llie situation in
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