Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[103J] lFARlAS lo MEXIA]

l Valenline Gomez Farias, New Orleans, to Jose Antonio Mexia, Oclober 30, 1835, slating that if the Tampico expedition is unsuccessful neilher Farias nor Mexia should be obliged lo honor any of the debls incurred. I [1032) [HOOPER to -----]

Alexandria [La.] Oct 30lh 1835

Dr Sir

Your favor of the 29 Ult came lo hand a few clays ago and according lo request I wenl immediately to Capl R Anderson to see if I could get the eigh ly stand of arms that he has charge of, I shew him your letter he says if Your Government will give him a Capl Commission lhal he will raise a company of men and come on, and use the arms himself and I did not hesitate lo tell him I was satisfied that you would procure him the commission, and lhal he might begin lo raise the men, he has also agreed that if he does not raise the company, that he will let me have the arms to send on by my becoming responsible to the United Slates for them and to stand between him and all damage I told him 1 would do so. I will have to borrow them If I get them as he cannot sell There passed up lhe river on board the Steam 13oal Oachita on the 28th inst a company of sixty men bound for your country said lo belong to Captain Stern who was at Nalchitoches-1 thought It my duty to do my part as far as I could and gel a man and put him in the company I filled him out with a uniform and good rifle 25 lb of good powder and as much lead as he could cary-Blanket Butcher Knife &c I gave him a teller to you he came to me recommended by our Editor, who is a gentleman and he says that Mr Nicholas Kelly is a gentleman and lhal he was a journeyman in his office at the rate of $ll0 per month and that he was very sorry to loose him-this is lhe character of the man l have sent to your counlry lo fight. Capt Anderson is a Gentleman that has been raised in thi::,; place he fought in that country in 1812 his character unhlemi::,;hcd. he has been Captain of a vohmlccr company in this plat·c sneral

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