favour. Should you lravel Lhru any parl of our lwo companys lands, or gain any informalion regarding Lhem, & Lhe besl quarlers for locations, I shall Lake il as a great favour to receive the benefit of it. There are frequent opportunities by land & water. I am acquainted with Madame Zavala who is here, & goes on with a friend of mine from this lo Galveston, where she hopes lo meet her husband. Pray act only on the defensive, but if you are invaded, our companies will both sympalhise in your cause, and make it our own as far as our absence will admit, I mean by good wishes, contributions in money & stores & in fact every way we can. Should you declare independence, I hope the just rights of our companies will be acknowledged & all locations afforded for the settlement & sale of our lands. Before I conclude, I must beg of you lo beware of Mr. Hotchkiss, who I have reason to know is much incensed against you. I understand he is about Nacogdoches, & his sister left here for Texas, & her brother in law last week. It is from some expressions , used in relation to his conduct with Creek Indians. I hope you will not have come in contact before this meets you; but that you will be willing as I know you are able lo enler into satisfactory explanations, & that you may become friends & useful citizens. Had I youth & strength enough, I would be along side of you, instead of this epislatory substitute. Wishing you all health & happiness I remain your old & true friend Lemuel Sawyer [Addressed:] Genl. Samuel Houston Texas [Endorsed:] Recd Deem. 23d 1835
(738) [TRAVIS to JONES]
San Felipe, October 3rd 1835
Dear Sir-
I avail myself of the opportunity of writing to you by Mr.
The most important news on the carpet is that received by express from Gonzales night before last. Lelters from Captains Coleman, Moore, & Albert Marlin, dated the 30th Seplr note "that the Mexicans appeared in force say 125 to 150 men, on the weslcrn bank of the Guadalupe, & encamped on that day- That
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