Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Panleclan, lhl' garrison 011 the NuecC's. rl'ducc and hum it. The arms and Ammunition if possible, will bl' brought off; and, if practicable, the public horses taken, nnd drin~n lo this place. The citizens of this vicinity have furnisl1ed 20 horses for this campaign-and those of Guardcloupc Vicloria, have made a tender of thirty head of Beeves for the public service. 1 am informed, lhal, Capt. Savriago has left S. Felipe, 011 parole, granted by Zavalla and others-and that he has gone lo l\latamoros; but I have ordered the making of every officer al the Nueces prisoner, if possible. I am informed, that, a party of 25 or 30 Comanches have been seen near Bai11g·scn in the neighborhood of Guardeloupe Victoria. On the reduction of Bexar, the earliest instructions concerning the disposition of the Arms and ammunition al this place, are particularly solicited. Your instructions loo, relative lo the properly left in the houses from which the flour, sugar, coffee, candles, soup, liquors, el.e. etc. have been taken, the title lo which is contested, or is supposed by some lo belong to private individuals-by others, lo the nation.-are earnestly solicited. P. Dimilt Com g ( 10301 [DINSMORE to PERRY and McNEEL]

Quintana 30th Oct 1835

Messrs. Perry & McNcel Gentlemen If after reading Mr names therein mentioned, forward it by the bearer.


McKinney's letter, you approve of the you will please sign the enclosed and

~ I I I I It. I

Your obt. servt, S. Dinsmore

P.S. While Goliad remains in possession of the colonists, there can be no place more suitable for landing supplies for the army than La Baca-as we believe.

Yours, S.D.

[Addressed:] To James F. Perry and J. G. McNecl Members of the committee of Safely of Columbia


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