a shrill yell, .1l which Lhcir horses were grcaLly alarmed-one of the party was thrown from his horse-one lm;t his gun and all the others, one excepted, were carried some distance before they could stop their horses. They further slate, that, al the crack of Lite enemy's guns. Lieut. Collinsworth was seen Lo fall from his horse- and heard Lo utter the cxclamal:on-"O Lord"-·Joncs and Woollen say Ll1cy were in favor of returning to the scene of action, but as the 0Ll1ers were unwilling to do so, they all relurnccl, without firing a gun, and withouL making an effort lo relieve, or bring off their wounded companion. He was therefore left on the ground, lo tl,c mercy of the enemy. Early this morning, the five survivors rcLurned with 8 or 10 oll,ers, lo the scene of action, or rather, of attack and flight, for the purpose of n~connoilering and bringing in the dead. JL would Le doing much injustice lo confound these voh111lecrs, indiscriminately togclher. Thal Doctor Jrwin originat- ed, and headed the mutiny; and drew the others, either d_ireclly, or inclirccLly into it, proof abundant, and of the most respcclaWe character, can be furnished from here, on the sliorlesl notice. The conduct of this man loo, on former occasions, has been highly improper, unmililary, and very rash. Oct. 3 lsl. l o.c. P.M.-Since wriling the above, the parly that lefl yesterday morning, have relurned with the dead body of lhc deceased, David M. Collinsworth-He was shot in the neck, scalped, and mangled in the face with a tomahawk or hatchet. The Deceased was buried to day, with the honors of War. From the statements of those who returned with lite Body, there can be lillle doubt that the assailants were savages. The number quoted, varies from 6 lo 10-The assailants did not even wail lo divest the body of its apparel-The cap only, was missing. His gun was probably taken, as it was nol found. His bC'lt, shot-pouch, etc. etc. and pocket money $7.37 ½ were found on him, and rcl11rncd. These facts furnish their own comment, and supersede the necessity fur any remarks by me. A recruit of 20 men arivcd ht're last cvenirw from Uay .,. . .f~~_iri.c. An Iron, Six pound Cannon, with a small supply or ammunition, from i\lata~orda, has been forwarded liy orclt·r of thc- Committt•e there, in compliance with my rctpwsl, and is now al Guanldoupc Victoria. 1 have ordered a detachment or 35 me11, 111uln tlw Command of AdjuLa11l lra Westover, lo procct•cl forthwith to Lt•
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