Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

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pounder is also by this lime on the way. The 6 pounder from Matagorda left several clays since by waler for La Raca, intended for La Bahia. We have only time lo say that should you require the aid of the Volunteers from the Uniled States, you will ordc-r them from Goliad lo San Antonio. The troops expected from Louisiana will be directed lo meet you al Bexar. R. R. Royall, Presd [ Aclressed:] Gen IS. F. Ausin Head Quarters l\lr Baker [ 10291 [DIMITT to AUSTIN I


Fort Goliad, Oct. 30th. 1835

To Gen. Stephen F. Austin, Com. in Ch. of the Army of the People, Dear Sfr,

Since the date of my last (28th inst.) by hands of ~laj. Geo. Southerland, who left this on that clay, in charge of the teams, dispatched lo I-lead Quarters with provisions, even ls have transpired here which call for a free and full exposition. On the receipt of yours of the 23d ins. prohibiting any volunteer the option of leaving this fortress without permission from the Commandl., under the penally of being reported and published a deserter, it was publickly read on parade to the men under my command. On some, it had a salutary effect, and produced a change of purpose, highly favoarable lo the success of . the campaign. On others, it either had no effect, or, if any, a very diffcrc-nl one, from that intended. Ycslerday, three officers, Dr. Erwin, Surgeon; Lieu l. David M. Collinsworth, and Lieut. A. J-1. Jones; and three privates, Milton _ Hicks, Edward B. Woolen and-Atkinson, mustered and left this fortress, 11ol only without permission, but in open contempt of the general order above quoted, and look up the line of march for Head Quarters, near Bexar. This occurred ahou t 4 o.c. in the afternoon; a11d a lilllc after 9 in the evening, five of tlic party returned, and four, Lieut. Jones, \Voollin, llicks, and Atkinson, came into the f orlrcss, reporting the loss of one of their number-Lieut. Collinsworth. Not considering themselves under my command, no official report was made lo me. Their verbal statement, however, is, that they were fired on by a party, lying in ambush by the road side-that the fire was instantly s11c1:1:cdcd by

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