Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


San Augustin Oct. 29, 183~

Genl. Sam Houston Dr Sir

l,efore you will have received this I presume the N. Orleans volunteer Grays will have joined the army of Texas. the capt of that company is R. C. Morris of N. Orleans a friend of mine and a relation of our family he is a young man of firmness and a man that will not disgrace the grays. I particularly recuest of you that you give him a heart wellcome and do all you can for him.

Yours Respectfully A. Hotchkiss

[1028] [ROYALL to AUSTIN J

San Felipe 29th Oct. 1835

General Austin Dear Sir,

Cheering news! From intelligence that has poured in upon us this morning we are emboldened lo declare that Texas will and must be free! l\'lany letters are now before us from which we have time only lo cuU the most prominent facts. Those addressed to you we forward. We e are happy in announcing to you the arrival among us of 60 or 70 fine young men from New Orleans well equipped and in complete uniform, and who are already on their ~larch from Brazoria to Goliad. Another vessel containing many more is hourly expected. S_evenly fiv~_men have gone up Reel River also from New Orleans, intending to come by land from Nachitochcs, where no doubt they will recieve such accessions as lo augment the number to 300 men. Letters from McKinney and Williams and others below urge you lo write for supplies of any or all kinds, and your orders shall be promptly filled. Mr Wm. H. Smith who went below on express and as our agent, has received our thanks, and the applause of all others for his very, prompt attention to every comm1ss1on given him to execute. Every thin:,! you have yet Sl'nt for will he forwarded. The 12 pounder is on the way, the 18

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