Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

extraordinary or unforeseen circumstance should intervene. But if any thing should transpire lo frustrate our plan, J shall be advised of il 011 arriving in sight of the place, in which event J shall shape my course for Matamoros, in which place we may count upon a large party of friends from the interior, who will assist us. Al all events, what is of much importance, and what I particularly recommend is, that we pay slricl allention lo the coast; organizing a naval force sufficient lo caplure and frustrate any expedition that may he filled out from Vera Cruz or Campeachy against us; understanding that the only resources of the enemy are the products of the custom houses on the coast, and il is obvious that we should deprive them of this resource, and annoy them by every means in our power. 3. You need not have the least doubt but that in the interior public sentiment is generally in our favor-and that the people are only wailing for an opportunity to throw off the yoke that the servile party have made so heavy on their necks. Daily I am receiving communications from the interior, and lately I have received from the Governor of Tamaulipas an invitation to join in a reaction against tyrany, in such terms, that so soon as we shall present ourselves, we shall have a force sufficient for the triumph of liberal principles. 4. It also appears to me necessary that our communications should be frequent, and if there should be a necessity for operations on the coast you should make arrangements for them in order that the result of our enterprize may be favorable, in the attaining of all which more than half depends in the celerity and aclivity of our movements. As it may happen that in the course of our campaign we shall be obliged lo use much precaution in our correspondence; in order lo prevent interception, I send you enclosed a cypher, in which we may write alJ matters of importance, you in English and l in Spanish. 5. I conclude this letter, fclicilaling myself lhal I am about to enter upon the noble cause in which you arc engaged: a cause in which l shall have comrades who will nol suceumb unlil Lhc last shall cease lo exist; a cause in which, without vanity l say it, l feel myself worthy the friendship of the Tcxians; lo ,~hom ·1


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