Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

the U.S. Navy, Wm. A. Lcidcsdorffcr, Jno Chase arc all ready to embark in the business. They are uncxceplionablc in our humble opinion and will do honor lo any cause. Hurd & Lcidesorff arc here & will aid us in our attempt lo take the Mexican Vessel that is off, and will wail here lo hear from Lhc Consultation to ascertain if Commissions will be sent down for them we earncslly beg if possible that you send them for on it we conceive depends our very existence. Should the Commissions be sent you will please send on instructions what kind, what amount of supplies for Lhe army, in what quantities & where, the same arc lo be landed, as the weather may be bad and conveyance difficult. From this time on we would suggest the propriety of landing men and supplies al La Vaca, this is for your consideration and we wait your order Yours truly McKinney & Williams [Postscript: l We approve of this as very imporlanl lo the safely of our Country-Oct. 30th 1835. [6 signatures l [ L024 l [ MEXIA to MCKINNEY]

New Orleans, 29th Oct. 1835.

Thos. McKinney, Esq.

1. Esteemed Friend--By the enclosed letter you will be informed of my ideas, what I intend lo do, and what, in my humble opinion, I consider lo he beneficial to us all. Read it: and, after perusing it, send it sealed lo Lhc person or persons, who al present are al the head of affairs, with as lilllc delay as its interesting object may require. 2. I am of opinion that [ shall leave here on the sixth or eighth of the next month (November); Lhe day before my departure. I shall write to you, also from any point of the coast where I may land, I shall inform you respeclin~ our future combinations. Write all this lo my friend Zavala, and accept for yourself the affections of Your servant, Jose Antonio Mexia.


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