Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

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Quintana October 29th 1835

l\'lr R. R. Royall

President of the Council of all Texas

Dear Sir

The Mexican cruiser is off this place, has been seen yesterday & the clay previous fired one shot al. Velasco which fell short of the shore, four were fired at her from shore, none however look effect it has made her become less bold in her movements, yesterday she appeared but at a very respectable distance. You would doubtless say by all means go & take her, so we say and so we will endeavor to do at all hazards, but really we find ourselves in a very awkward situation for the want of authority upon which lo act for many of the most efficient men we had are citizens of the United States and may be brought to an account there and charged with piracy, but for the present occasion we are blind to all other considerations save that of taking the Mexican vessel whose only hope in my opinion for escape is in her heels. The Government will doubtless send a maritime force to annoy our Coast & cut off our supplies and intercourse with the U. States, if they can succeed almost total ruin will he the consequence, this fact is self evident & requires no reason to be set forth. Now what are we to do to protect oursleves and the Country against such a Calamity. I would beg leave to suggest that the most active and energetic movements on our part are requisite to counteract the advantage which the Govt. of Santa Anna has over us by having armed Vessels already on the Gulf & some of them actually upon us, for should Santa Anna send all of his naval force here and land a body of men, which under existing circumstances is altogether possible we are without remedy. But to come Lo the point we are arming, al once. Would it not be well for the Consultation to make a declaration against the Central Govt and issue commissions for armed vessels, and let them be taken there by Capt Hurd al once & in three weeks or 4 al furthest our coast will be cleared and our intercourse with the United States free, & our supplies can be had speedily & abundantly to carry on the War. Captain William A. Hurd, Lieutenant Charles Harley of

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