which he has received through various channels. lo the notice or the Secretary of Stale of the United States, in order that he may communicate it lo his Excellency the President, from whose inflexible rectitude he hopes that, for the sake of the peace and harmony subsisting between the two nations, he will order such measures as the case may require for pulling an end lo these proceedings, and absolutely preventing others of the same class from being carried into execution, or projected. Such and order is most necessary in the opinion of the undersigned under the present circumstances, as the contempt of obligations arising from the treaty of friendship between the United l\lexican States, and those of America has reached such a point, that according to an official notice, received from the Mexican Consul at New Orleans, it is certain that between the 10th and 11th of this month, the American armed schooner San Felipe sailed from that port for Brazoria, with the same captain, N. E. Hurd, and "having her defences much strengthened, under the protection of which she goes laden with warlike stores and ammunition," and without a single paper which she should carry from the Mexican Consul. The undersigned sincerely believes that I his conduct will be viewed with disapprobation by the President of the United Stales. The undersigned has the pleasure to renew to Mr. Forsyth, on this occasion, the assurance of his distinguished consideration. J.M. De Castillo Y Lanzas. Honorable John Forsyth, &c.
[1020] [COS to TORNEL]
Eccmo. Senor.
Hayandose todos los. Puertos de estos Depatt.amlos. desde Galveston hta. Aransaasu en poder de los Colonos sublevados don<le ademes no exislen Aduanas ningunas, seriam muy cinveniente y nccesario en mi concepto el que esa Superioridad se dignara si a bien lo ticnc. lihrar las orns. mas cslrechas pa. q. todos los cfeclos q. en lo Subsccilio sc encuentrcn en qualquier punto de la Repubca. y sean de csla proccda. se decomiscn inmediatamle., pues de lo contrario sc haran crccidas Ymporlaciones qc. se llevaran a lo interior con un dctrimento notable de la Hacienda Publica y dcl comcrcio en general. Yo a pesar de lo urgente q. me ha parecido
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