Mosley Baker and Frank Johnson lw printed and thal lhe thanks of lh is Council be Pn~s1:11 l1'.d lo those genls for their zeal in the cause R. R. Royall prsl
A. l-1011ston Seely [Addressed : J Genis S. F. Austin and Sarni Houston Head Quarters Texas Army l 1015 l [ROYALL to AUSTIN]
San Felipe 28th Octr 1835
Gent Austin
The scruples which we feel in the acts of Great Responsibility which we have taken and must lake if the Convention does nol meet Verry soon Imperiously require an Expression of the will of the members in Camp sent Lo us in the form of Resolu lions I have solicited Lhis before at the request of all the members of the council and it is today again urged upon me Lo requcst au thoriLy from that Quarter R R Royall President N B. a few days since the Council permitted Capt. Saviego to depart upon his oath in writing in favour of lhc Constitution of 1824 and the People of Texas, while struggling for Republican Principles the others offered the same but was refused RRR [Addressed: I Genl. S. F. Austin Head Quarters Texas Army. [ IO 16] [ROYALL to AUSTIN I
San Felipe 28th Oclr JB35
Genl Austin
Your letters have Just arrived (of dat1'. 24th Inst) and the Council and citizens General arc rejoiced al the flall·ring prospects of our cause. We believe you will probably lw 900 :-lrong by the Lime this Reaches you We have nothing more lo communicalc
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