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you that either the consultation who are present or the officers of the army make some declaration which will serve for a time until the consultation can meet & grant commissions so that vessels can be protected that are pul in our service. Without it our resources may be cul off & with it we can protect our coast from invasion & keep up our intercourse with the Unile<l Stales. We will order a cargo of supplies from N. Orleans immediately but realy the risk is very heady if we have no means of protecting our trade and may prove ruinous lo us eventually if we should loose two or three vessels because the articles will be considered contraband & of course we can get no insurance on them. We have imported for the service a quantity of articles at our own risk but we silh to prevent this as early as possible & acl upon a firmer fooling when we can We will however continue to order such things as may be required hoping how soon your sanction may be had to relieve us from risk. For we only ask you lo give us the papers & we will procure the men & means to protect the coast & our commerce. The Schooner Columbia has brought two Twelve pounders & some amunition which we have brought & landed here to day to be forwarded to where ever it may be thought best say to Goliad & bexar or to Bexar alone please write us on this subject the importance of which you will see
Your ohl sevts McKinney & Williams
[October 28, 1835 J Whereas, il has been Represented lo this Council that Thomas Jefferson Chambers, John A. Williams and Col. Barrett are engaged in throwing obstacles in the way of the cause for which the people of Texas are fighting and using the Influence of their Talents to prevent the unguarded from Espousing our cause and advocating that of the Enemy with whoom we are al open war- Therefore be it Resolved that the case be Reported lo the commander in chief and the officers for their-consideration and advice which was discussed and unanimously adopted R. R. Royall, President A. Houston Secy on ;\1olio11 of Dr Evrell JL was Resolved thal tlw report of
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