r 10121 [ LIST OF STORES I
Lisl of articles of Subsistence, camp furniture elc forwarded lo Head Quarlcrs, pr order of lhe Com. in Ch., under charge of J\laj. Geo. Southerland, Oct. 28th 1835-by P. Dimill, Comg al Goliad. 43 Barrels Flour
6 Sacks Sall 3 do Coffee
2 Boxes Sugar I Cask Claret 1 Barrel Gin 1 do Rum 1 do Cordial 3 Boxes Wine 4 do Soap 2 do Sperm Candles 3 Bales Tobacco 2 doz Iron Keltles 2 doz Tin Pans 2 doz Cups 2 doz Fryi1~g Pans 2 doz Horn -As received from the Com.g of Subsistence by
Ira Ingram
Columbia 28 Oct. 1835
[Mr R. R. Royall I President of the Council of Texas San Felipe Dear Sir
Capl Hurd who commands lhe San Felipe & some several olhers are ready and very anxious to attack our enemies by sea & only wait for a stand lo be laken & commissions lo be given lo cruise on the coasl; lhc armed vessel which we wrote for by reqcsl of the Commillec of this Jilrisdiction will in a few days in all proJmbilily he here & what are we lo do for papers let n;e be!! of
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