Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

the place he has sent to us at Lal3ahia to send all the flour we can, and a detachment with several cart Loads Will leave Goliad to morrow for Bejar. We have just got correct informalion from Lcpanlilan (Neuces)They arc watching for the fall of Bejar, When the troops will take flight for Matlamoras. Myself and some others, will endeavor to Make a decent on that place with I5-or 20 men (all that can be spared) and try lo cut off their retreat, but I doubt whether we can effect this and leave enough men in the fort to do the necessary Camp duty-] have been appointed Commissioner to treat with the Caronkawas Indians. I have seen the principle Chiefs, who Ex press a wish to enter into a firm and Lasting peace with us, and tomorrow is the day appointed to meet the whole nation on the San Antonio river 18-mils below Goliad. They see us the rulers of the Country, and hense I have no doubt but they will be glad of peace from interest and fear if not from feeling-The plan of this treaty gotten up about 12 days ago has enabled us to have from 30-to 40-men more in the camp-who-before had to guard families against these barbarians. Now no fears are entertained from them. This campaign will of Course end in a few clays when I shall endeaver to have aU these Municipalities send Members to the Grand Consultation This (Guadalupe) and that of Powers had previously Elected their delegates to meet on the 15th.-Goliad and Neuses had not done any thing, but I presume they will send Members at the next call. I advise your committee to write, to J. J. Linn of this place, John McMullin of San Patricio-James Powers of Mission Refugio -and the Constitutional Alcalde of Goliad on the subject, and inform them of the number of delegates to be Elected, and of the time and place of meeting. With Sentiments of Esteem and reguard I am your obt-Sevt James Kerr A young man (son of old Flacko of Bejar) has a few days since come here from Zackaticas says-that Genl Albaras in the south has been ,~ctorious vs, Snata Ana's Army in two battles, in one of which Santa Ana lost one of Genl's and 30-tantos officers, that l 000-troops had left Zaceticas and went towards Mexico Leaving only 400-in the City; and that the Editor of the Z-paper had resumed his most Excellent abuse, vs, Santana

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