without any commentary or explanation; above all, when, al Lhe conclusion of iL, appears the notice Lo "gentlemen favorable to Lhe rights of free and republican governments" Lo meet al Lhe ''Red-river exchange," &c. The preceding considerations have, however, induced me Lo submit to you the presenl slalement, of which I shall send a copy to my Government. Before concluding, permil me to remind you of the letter I had the honor lo wrile to you on the 24th ultimo, the reply to which 1 should be happy lo receive; at Lhe same time permil me, for the sake of humanity, to recommend the contents of my note of the 17th instant. I ardently desire lhat the harmony which has hitherto prevailed between our two nations may nol be interrupted by any involuntary misunderstanding. l\'ly utmosl wish is lo contribute lo its preservation, for the sake of holh parties, as far as depends upon my humble efforts. These, sir, are, I believe, the senlimenls which animate Lhe Government of Mexico, with regard to the United States, and I believe them to be returned to the same exlent. With a hope that I may have other occasions to give this assurance lo the i\lexican Government, I have the honor to acknowledge myself, sir, your most obedient servant, To the Hon. J. Forsyth, Secretary of State. J. M. De Castillo y Lanzas. [1009 I [DIMITT to AUSTIN] Port Goliad, Oct. 28th 1835 5 o.c. P. M. To Gen. S. F. Austin Com. in Ch. of Lhe Army of lhe People, Dear Sir, we send you herewith, in addition lo the 8 loads, mentioned in the official of this mornina, 4 loadsâś“more-conve)'inrr 0 0 29 Barrels Flour, and One Box of Gun Powder Tea. P. Dimit Comet.
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