Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

~ I hope the campaign will soon be over. I have written 2 or

3 limes since I left San felipe

The express is about starting Joel's and my love to all ,-

M. Austin Bryan

N B I wrilp on'my lap and in a hurry !VI AB Somervell is Major he sends his respects [Addressed:] Mr James F Perry Peach Point Mr Y<lY will forward this by the first opportunity


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Mexican Legation, Philadelphia, October 28, 1835. Sir: I think that the importance of the case will serve as an

apology for my troubling you with the following lines.

Jn the present stale of excitement created in the minds of people in Mexico by the disaffected colonists of Texas, nothing can be more just than that the Supreme Government of that republic should endeavor to restore tranquility, by repressing the extravagant designs of those who have considered themselves above the laws, and have even assumed the right of dictating to the whole country. IL is not surprising that mere adventurers, who have nothing to lose, that fugitives from justice, and others who may gain without risking any thing, that those who delight in revolu Lions, either from temperament, or from character, or from the desire of rendering themselves conspicuous, should promote political convulsions, and be willing to hazard their lives in them, either from substantial motives or without reason. I3ut it is scarcely credible that the industrious, of which class there are certainly some among the colonists, and persons who, having something to lose, might consequently be supposed to be interested in the preservation or order, should unite with the others in the work of destruction and war. It is, however, so: and al the present crisis, the Mexican Government is availing itself of its authority and its right, lo bring back lo order and subjection to the laws of the country, those who have ventured lo despise them, and lo disturb the public peace. Under such cireurnstances, and as ii appears from the public journals of these United Stales, that the rebellious colonists

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