Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[ I 007] [BRYAN to PERRY]

2 miles from Bexar Ocl 28th We arrived here about the middle of the day. A parly of 90 men under Bowie and Capl Fannin who were sent here yeslerday to pick out a posilion for the army were attacked by 300 cavalry and 100 infantry with lwo pieces of artillery the attack was made about day brake, 16 mexicans were left dead on lhe ground and several wounded and dead were taken off by the cavalry. Capt. Richard Andrews from the Colorado was shot in lhe slomach. Jt is supposed he will die one or two more were slightly wounded is all the injury we sustained. The main army did nol arrive from the mission de Espada where it was stationed untill about one hour after the battle. The contest lasled 4 hours. We look an excellent brass piece, a long 6 pounder which will be of service to us, they succeeded in getting away with the other pieces. We have upwards of 400 men and provision tolerable plenty 4 waggons have arrived with Supplies, We are now near the Mission Concepcion on the San Antonio River. We occupy the banks of lhe river, plenty of bushes and trees which saved the lives of many of our soldiers 100 men will be here to morrow from Nacogdoches and 3 or 4 pieces of artillery shortly Bexar I lhink will fall shortly. An express was arrested yesterday with letters from Malamoros and other places by which we received letters directed to Cos etc stating that money and troops were scearce articles. The Montazuma now Bravo is ordered lo lhe Arransas to cruiz but without troops, There are 6 cannon mounted in Bexar lo recieve us, and aboul 650 men I think after hearing all the stories about the dead and wounded the enemy lost 50 men as to the dead I saw 15 or 16 myself on the ground and two prisoners badly wounded now in our camp. We have four prisoners. Joel is well so arc the two McNeels and Hassell neither of them had a chance to dislinguish themselves. Uncle is much better ' in fact he is will


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